本帖最后由 何强 于 2014-4-18 08:15 编辑
咖啡不加糖 遠行 —微型散文詩 文/何强
相同的風景,看在不同的眼裏卻各不相同. -- 女兒何靜
Coffee without sugar
Travel— miniature Prose poetry The author /HeQiang The same scenery, watching is differentin different eyes. — daughterHeJing
Sunsetintoxicating way through unknown landscapes, too late to say that the story ofthe affair fanned my blood red
Landcrack passwords written a painstaking process, uninstall the heart between thememory occupied country, step by step Hermitage
Bare-linewinds stop and go, eyes caressing the leaves of a tree shaking from a Laohuaihas come to an ancient elm