本帖最后由 何强 于 2016-2-3 07:40 编辑
劃 痕—微型散文诗 (新年寫給無地自容的自己)
悄悄的來了悄悄的離去,上蒼扔過來的壹個甲子, 蒼涼到極致的天邊凝紅
清溪河從遠山走來,江祖山卻不是故鄉, 那些漸漸遠去的人和事
The restart of life
The scratch — miniature Prose poetry (New Year's to shameMyself)
"No one loud noise, the tuneyou!"
To leave quietly, quietly god threw a jia, desolate acmecoagulation red sky
Qing river coming from the distant mountains, Jiang Zushanisn't home, those people and things faded away
Tang Song Yu disseminated incisively and vividly, since theaction of shallow drink, quietly hidden behind the unfinished promise