文/何强 相同的風景,看在不同的眼裏卻各不相同. -- 女兒何靜 時間從路邊的老榆樹開始,濃密的樹蔭絢爛成壹道永恒的風景,沒有幾縷陽光可直射樹下迤邐 樹下壹襲輕盈的榴裙氤氳我的目光,醉吟春天裏自戀的低語,熏醉的靈魂拈壹撚情絲魅語 既然我是妳的影子,心在靜靜彌漫的榆錢芬芳中醒來,我的詩句砰然碎落貧瘠的黃土地 Coffee without sugar Theprayers of the mind — miniature Prose poetry The author /HeQiang The same scenery, watching is differentin different eyes. — daughterHeJing Timestarts from the roadside old elm, dense shade gorgeous into eternal scenery,there is no direct rays of the sun can be equally under the tree Treedense of a lightsome pomegranate skirt my gaze, drunken songs in springnarcissistic whisper, smoked drunk came a twisting theemotions to incarnate thesoul of language Nowthat I am your shadow, heart fragrance in the air quietly YuQian woke up, satthe barren yellow pop my verse